
Memento: Yuck. Materials: Wood glue, popcorn kernels, butter. 2"x 2.5"x 3" Artist Statement: This memento represents a memory I have of going on a date to the movie theater and throwing up everywhere. The kernels were used because they represent nostalgia of the movie theaters and I ended up throwing up in the popcorn bucket. The bottom of the memento is made from tiles of popcorn kernels. These tiles are meant to be uniform and lay on top of eachotehr, similar to the uniformity yet dirtiness of a movie theater. The top of the memento is meant to be disgusting and messy, similar to my memory of feeling disgusting and embarrassed. There is actual butter in the top portion to add to the greasy and yucky feeling of the form. Overall, the piece is uncomfortable in the viewers hands and represents an embarrassing, gross memory.
